This is my blood, sweat and tears quilt. Took me forever to finish this thing and for some reason I didn’t enjoy making this one. Love the fabrics and the end result though!
The fabric is from Amy Butler’s Love collection. I found someone on etsy last year that was selling 5″ squares – I think most of the collection is represented here. Then I chose my 3 favorite designs for the border, binding and backing.
This is the first throw I’ve straight-lined quilted. I think it was more stressful than free motion because you can definitely see any screw ups!
On to the next project… I have a new nephew coming in September and his room theme is monkeys. Think I’ll try a rag quilt with the Funky Monkey sock pattern fabrics.

July 9, 2011 at 7:02 pm
I love all these prints and the design!