What is Around the World Blog Hop?
I was invited by Paula at The Sassy Quilter to join in. I’ll be answering some questions and then tagging 3 people who I think you should check out. As Paula said, it’s kind of a like a blog chain letter.
Recently Paula had a great post for organizing scraps. I’ll be taking it to heart!
Now, I’m supposed to introduce myself and answer some questions about my quilting process and the like. I thought it was a great idea since I have a few new followers, but I didn’t realize talking about myself would be so difficult!
Who am I?
Well… I’m in my mid 30’s (ack!) and just starting quilting and sewing in 2010. No one in my family was into this addicting hobby, so I taught myself by watching YouTube videos, reading tons of blogs and visiting forums.The web is a wonderful resource and I was surprised by how quickly I picked up the lingo. Simple terms like ‘use a scant seam allowance’, ‘right sides together’ and even ‘quilt batting’ were baffling when I started.
I’ve been working full time for a real estate company the past 15 years and I really do enjoy it. My husband and I have been together for 7 years and I have two teenage stepdaughters (who are very entertaining), and three completely spoiled dogs.
Two of them even went on our last vacation with us.
What am I working on?
Right now I’m in the middle of Hexagon Park. I loved the pattern when I first started sewing and I’m finally around to tackling it. The fabrics are the Opal Owl collection by Tina Givens.
Currently I’m trying to carve out some space for a long arm. (the thought makes me giddy) I’m doing my best to make it happen but the frames are so big!
How does my work differ from others in my genre?
I honestly don’t think it differs too much. It seems to me every quilter has their own style and that’s one of the things I love about the community. I do like to design paper piecing projects and it’s so much fun to see others bring those to life. If you make any of my patterns, PLEASE send me pictures!
Here is a link to free paper piecing patterns from my Block Rock’n series.
Why do I write / create what I do?
I create because I love doing it! The fabrics, patterns and inspiration can almost be overwhelming. I think my to-do list could keep me busy for two lifetimes.
Sharing what I do on my blog was originally my way to kind of keep track of what I make. I can go back and reference patterns and fabrics. When I’m feeling like I haven’t really been doing much it’s nice to look back at my completed quilts and smile.
One thing I’m proud of is having tutorials available on Moda Bake Shop. That was one of my favorite sites when I first started quilting and I was amazed at all of the options out there. When I come up with new ideas I love sharing them and the Bake Shop has a large following that I can share with. Search the site for “627handworks” to view my patterns.
How does my creative process work?
I’ve been sitting here thinking about it and that’s a tough question. When I’m laying in bed I get all kinds of ideas. I try not to have too many ongoing projects, so I write down things I’d like to make in the future. Whatever speaks to me when I’m ready, is what I start next. I mostly buy fabric on impulse without a project in mind.
I’m a computer person. So if I need to draw out my ideas I usually do it in Illustrator and lots of math!
My biggest inspiration really is the quilting community – I love seeing images on Flickr, Instagram and blogs.
Now I’d like to introduce you to some other blogs. Due to busy schedules you may not see Around the World Blog Hop posts from them, but check out their sites. You’ll see why I love to follow them. Yes – I’m sharing more than my ‘three’!
Renee from Quilts of a Feather – I just love her freemotion quilting style.
Susan from The Bored Zombie – Her character quilts always make me smile, they are so much fun.
Sandy from Upstairs Hobby Room – She always has something great in the works.
Amanda from What the Bobbin – She just released a new “clippity clip” paper piecing pattern and her fussy cut swap is so much fun to be a part of.
And a non-quilty blog from my friend Chelsea from Whatcha Makin Now. Amazing recipes and pictures to make you drool!
If you read all of this – kudos to you!
Thanks Paula for inviting me to join in. If you aren’t familiar with the Sassy Quilter, you must check out her site! She hosts fun quilt alongs, quilting tips, great giveaways and is a wonderful source of information.
