You need to get your hands on a copy of this!
Several reasons:
- Money from this block goes to Chive Charities (more on this below).
- Minimum donation for this pattern is only 5 bucks!
- It’s named after Lunden, who is amazing (more below).
- It’s a 17″ block, which I think is perfect. One block makes a pillow or mini quilt, 4 blocks make a nice baby quilt, your quilt can grow quickly.
- It’s beginner friendly!
- Umm, it’s GORGEOUS.
Image courtesy of @craftycop on Instagram.
You can get so many different looks by switching out fabrics and background colors.
Rather than explaining the Charity and Lunden’s Block, here is a quote from my good friend Erin (@mommy2lu on Instagram):
Let me give you a back story on Lunden’s Charity Pattern and the charity @chivecharities! They are one hell of an organization that truly changed the course of our family’s life! Handicap accessible vans are expensive and that’s putting it mildly.
2️ years ago a prideful David and I begrudgingly agreed to a fundraiser for Lunden to help purchase a handicap accessible van. Our friends around the world, family and friends of friends donated to Lunden. A week before the end of Lunden’s fundraiser Chive called me. They told me they’d been watching all of the love for Lunden and wanted in on it too! They told me they had grant earmarked for Lunden. A grant that would pay for Lunden’s van and some much needed medical equipment. Believe me when I say I tried to talk them out of it. I told Chive that Lunden had a successful fundraiser and that she only needed the difference bw what she’d raised and the cost of the van. Chive said they didn’t care how much Lunden raised. That they would be honored to cover all costs so Lunden could keep the money from her family and friends bc they knew that no money would ever be enough to support Lunden for her life time.
You guys I didn’t believe it! I called David sobbing and told him. He sobbed. This stuff didn’t happen to us. Up until that point we’d run though our savings, we were paying for Lunden’s special needs private school out of pocket. David and I had even cut down how much we ate to leave more money to pay for her therapy copays. Chive is an organization that helps good people! Chive is an organization that understands that no matter how much money you make on paper there’s never enough to support a person of Lunden’s involvement. I say the fundraiser was life changing because we had no idea that anyone really loved Lunden like we did. We emailed all of Lunden’s donors and offered them their donation back. No one wanted their money back.
David and I had no idea that love really, truly existed in the world anymore. That people still helped just to help. This is why the first (and hopefully not the last) Lunden’s Charity Blocks donations will go to Chive Charities! #lundenisawesome #tenpercenthappier
Just look at Lunden’s sweet, always smiling, face! Believe me, she’s even sweeter in person. Even if you don’t quilt or want the pattern, I urge you to donate to Chive Charities.
Image courtesy of @saraquilts on Instagram.
Image courtesy of @mommy2lu on Instagram
- Donate a minimum of $5 to Chive Charities
- Email your receipt or screenshot of donation to mommy2lunden at
- Patiently wait 24 hours for Erin to email you a copy of the block
Image courtesy of @hazelstitches on Instragram
If you are on Instagram be sure to tag your blocks with the hashtag #lundenscharityblocks. There are going to be some fun giveaways! Hope to see a version of your block