I wanted to share my 2019 Color of the Year quilt pattern.
2019 Color of the Year for Pantone (Living Coral) and Kona (Splash) work really well together. I wanted a quick and easy quilt to commemorate them – they are super beachy and right up my alley.
I found the closest Kona color match for Living Coral is Melon.
Splash into Living Coral
Measures 70 x 82 (width is adjustable by how many yards cut)
Because the width is the same length as yardage cut, you can easily adjust the size. Your edges will most likely be uneven between white, melon and splash due to cutting differences. After quilting, trim up the sides and you’ll be set.
2 yards Kona White
2 yards Kona Splash
2 yards Kona Melon
You will not be cutting with WOF – but across the 2 yard length.
From Splash and Melon cut 1 each:
7.5 x 72 strip
6.5 x 72 strip
5.5 x 72 strip
4.5 x 72 strip
3.5 x 72 strip
2.5 x 72 strip
1.5 x 72 strip
From White cut:
(15) 2.5 x 72 strips
Stitch by alternating melon and white strips. Start with a white strip, then alternate with the largest strip (7.5) and working toward the smallest (1.5). Ending on the 1.5″ melon strip.
Repeat with Splash and white strips, adding an additional white strip after the 1.5″ splash strip.
Stitch the melon set with the splash set, smallest color strips in the center.
Would love to see your version!
