Babies, babies, everywhere! I love babies and I’m glad so many of my friends are having them lately. This little boy quilt is made using the Comma line by Zen Chic for Moda.
It’s the first quilt I’ve backed with voile and I am IN.LOVE.
I wish you could feel how soft this is through your screen. It’s pretty amazing. I may have a hard time backing quilts with regular quilting cotton now. At least baby quilts, anyway.
For the piecing I just did a simple 5″ patchwork. With this fun fabric line I didn’t think the pattern needed much.
Stitching straight lines with alternating double lines created a neat pattern on the back.
- Piecing: Comma collection by Zen Chic for Moda
- Backing: Free Spirit Voile in Green *
- Binding: Kaufman Essex Yarn Dyed Linen in Black
- Thread: Aurifil 50 wt Cotton Mako in Platinum *
You can purchase many colors of voile and Aurifil here at a great price!
It’s also the last week of the Blog Hop. While I’m sad to see it end, I’m so happy to have found so many great blogs. Check out the blogs for week 8:
Em @ Sewing by Moonlight
