I’m in! I was trying to hold back from joining* but I caved and am super excited!
*I’m terrible at sew alongs, especially year long stints. I’m just now finishing up my Gypsy Wife quilt after 19 months.
I already own the original Farmer’s Wife and the Farmer’s Wife Pony Club. I love those books and the stories are fantastic – but the actual making of one of these? Kind of scary. With so many people joining in this sew along on Instagram, I think it will push me along. The sew along will also help by providing a variety of piecing techniques and options.
Today is Labor Day and I saw Craftsy was having a big sale. I’ve been stalking fabrics trying to decide what to use for this. I knew I wanted to try something a little outside typical fabric choice (brighter colors, small prints) and I’ve decided to go solid. This is a first for me!
I purchased fat quarter bundles in both the Modern Movement and Modern Expressions. These are Kona solids – the collections are exclusive to Craftsy, if you’re looking to buy.
I know I can’t go wrong with these. I love all the color and can’t wait to play with combinations.
Thinking about joining? Follow Angie at Gnome Angel. FAQ is here. The announcement with additional info here.
The sew along doesn’t start until September 28th so you have plenty of time to pick up the book and get your fabrics in order!
Are you participating?

September 7, 2015 at 3:33 pm
Now Ive stopped drooling at your incredible fabric colour choices, think this is going to be one heck of a stand out Farmers Wife project. Im not good with such events so will admire from the side lines
September 7, 2015 at 3:38 pm
Loving these solids. I’ve had so much trouble narrowing down my fabric choices and part of me wishes I could make a number of versions so I could live out every fabric choice. But that’s not really realistic so I’m just going to have to watch with envy as others make theirs. (This is one for the envy pile!)
September 8, 2015 at 1:03 pm
Oh wow, the solids are going to be beautiful!! I bought the book years ago but never managed to make a single block. I look forward to seeing what everyone does with them!
September 9, 2015 at 12:33 pm
I’ve owned the original Farmers Wife book for a year and have done nothing with it. I really wanted to join this new QAL, so I bought the book and it is sitting here on my coffee table……overwhelmed with fabric options as well. I’m determined to sew from my stash! I did buy a couple of sale items this past weekend, but I don’t think they will be for this.
I’m a new quilter, and joined my first BOM with Alyssa @ Pile ‘O Fabrics. I’ve learned alot – but am now 4 months – PLUS all the quilting as you go BEHIND—-soooo I suck a long stretch projects apparently!!
I’ve got to get active on IG and try to stay with the group on this one. I love your fabric choices – BEAUTIFUL colors. I’ve recently started working with some solids – so I was thinking about this with low volume – white/on white fabrics I have.
September 21, 2015 at 10:32 am
You can grab the sew-along button here and share with everyone that you re participating in the Farmer s Wife 1930 s Sampler Quilt Sew-along. Just copy and past the code below.
September 22, 2015 at 2:04 am
WOW! This Farmer’s Wife will look amazing in solids! And what a beautiful colour palette you have chosen!
October 1, 2015 at 3:18 pm