I’m originally from Missouri and wanted to make a pillow with the shape of the state. Luckily it has a cool shape and isn’t just a square like Colorado or Wyoming.
I’ve had my Echino by Etsuko Furuya linen for a while and haven’t really used it. Since it has a patchwork look (and I combined two different prints) I thought it would work well.
This pillow had 2 ‘firsts’ for me. Applique using the Freezer Paper Method* and hand quilting. This was a small quilting job and I didn’t hate either process. Who knows, maybe I’ll try it again.
I made a zipper back because the envelope backs don’t hold up very well around here.
The front blue fabric is Kaufman Quilters Linen and the back is a Moda Bella solid. I did add a strip of a 3rd Echino fabric. Love those blue cars!
For the machine quilting on the back I used Aurifil Mako 2813, it’s a variegated thread that matches the front fabrics perfectly.
I printed a shape of Missouri off Google image search. This is the first time I’ve appliqued like this and I really like how the Missouri shape kind of pops out of the fabric. It would be fun to do a pillow for a kid’s room using the letters in their name.
These are great for all sewing projects and quilts. I purchased them at Ikaprint on Etsy.
Use coupon code 627HANDWORKS for 5% off your order. They are made in France and shipping is really fast!
Freezer Paper Applique Method
- Trace your shape onto the non-waxy side of the freezer paper
- Cut the shape out of the paper (not the fabric)
- Iron the freezer paper onto the right side of the fabric
- Trim your fabric around the shape leaving a 1/4″ seam allowance
- Peel off the freezer paper
- Place the freezer paper non-waxy side down onto the back side of your fabric
- Fold the seam allowance over to the waxy side of the freezer paper
- Iron down the fabric seams onto the waxy side of the paper (At this point your shape should have smooth fabric edges with the raw cut edges ironed under)
- Heavily pin your applique shape onto your main fabric
- Blind stitch all the way around and remove pins
- Turn your fabric over and cut a slit in middle of where your applique piece is, careful not to cut the applique shape
- Trim out the fabric of the main area out leaving a 1/2″ around your stitches and pull out the freezer paper
Thrifty Pillow Tip
Use old sheets or store bought sheets for the interior lining. Only you will see it! I also save scrap batting from quilt projects to use for pillows and smaller projects. The lining on this pillow is part of a sheet set I purchased at Target on clearance. A lot cheaper than fabric or muslin and it’s fun when you unzip it.
