Fabric. Lots and lots of glorious fabric. That’s what happened. Sunday I tricked talked Paul into going to Sarah’s Fabric in Lawrence. Ohmygawdohmygawdohmygawd, that store! I could have been there all damn day. Those of you familiar with the store know what I’m talking about. It’s like walking into an online fabric palace, but in real life. You get to see, touch, and most importantly, BUY all the fabric you want.
I decided to get half cuts of everything since it’s for my stash, then went running wild (almost literally) through the store stacking up bolts on the cutting counter. Just lookie at all my goodies!
Just when I thought I was done… I hit the back corner of the store and…. *cue heavenly music*… I spy Echino, linens, lots of imports! I think my heart skipped a beat.
You’d think living in Kansas City I’d have some decent fabric stores in the area. I guess they fit the bill for some people, but usually I have to dig around a while to find the fabrics I’m wanting. Especially if it’s a newly released line or anything modern. I can be a bit of a snob about it.
Luckily Lawrence, Kansas (Rock Chalk Jayhawk, KU!) is only a 40 minute drive. And well worth it.
That trip alone made for an awesome haul, but I had also received my goodies from Fresh Modern Fabric on Saturday. These are 1/4 yard cuts (not fat quarter) to use for a Kaleidescope quilt.
Between all of this fabric goodness and finishing up my Weekender Bag, I had a great weekend! How about you?
