First, let’s get to the winner of the Sunday Funday giveaway. The winner of the $25 credit to Zip It Zippers & Mini Charm from Fresh Modern Fabrics is….
Faye Nettles!
Faye, I’ll be sending you an email shortly. Thanks so much to Zip It Zippers and Fresh Modern Fabric for your generosity!
Here is my latest WIP. For lack of a better name I’m calling it triangle tipped squares.
It’s not quite an elongated hexagon because it’s a square in the center with equilateral triangle tips. I’ve had a 6″ charm of Kaffe Fassett Classics in green laying around. After my last EPP project I wanted this one to go a little faster. Depending on how big this ends up I may make another cushion cover.
Let’s take a look at some of last weeks link ups!
Allison Sews made this scrappy bits mug rug using the Garfunkel pattern! <3
Teeny little hexagons for this pincushion from Fabadashery.
A helpful partial seam tutorial from Sew Fresh Quilts.
