Posts tagged ‘mini’

December 31st, 2014

DANGER: Long Post! Year End Projects + Thoughts on 2015

by Julie Hirt

Lots of little projects to share and I’ll start with this:


It’s a birthday mini for SimonSaysSew.


I love how it turned out and I wanted to keep it for myself!  It’s really the first time I’ve played around with using a variety of low volume scraps for the background.


The feathers are an awesome paper piecing pattern from Quiet Play.

Next up are the pouches I made for Leona‘s birthday swap.


I just love that little deer.



And a smaller velcro pouch:


This one is a pattern by Michelle Patterns.  I love her patterns. Like, a lot.   It’s available in 3 sizes and the smaller one is perfect for storing tea bags or other miscellaneous things to toss in your bag.


Next up is my quilt for the Schnitzel & Boo Mini Quilt Swap.  Ohmygosh I hope she likes it.



I know these are fabrics she likes (Alison Glass, Handcrafted) and I just hope the pattern and quilting are her style as well.  It’s surprisingly nerve wrecking making something for someone else.


Just in case she hates the quilt, I think she will like this.  Etsy never ceases to amaze me.  I sent my image over and a week later, here it was.


Okay……… now here is where I’ve started with my 2015 plans. I will not use the word resolution, but I do have some ideas.  I’ve cleaned up my sewing space and updated my to do list.


After organizing my fabrics I realized I need to stop buying it.  Easy to say, hard to do – you all know that.  So my plans are to go light on buying fabrics. Like only if I really, really, really have to have it – and I have to wait a week before buying it so I know I still really, really, really want it.

That list on the wall of To-Make and To-Quilt has to be at least cut in half before I’m allowed to start anything else.

Nothing harsh, just a plan of sorts.  I’m not sharing my to-make and to-quilt lists so you won’t know if I cheat!

The plan is already working – I’ve finished up a few WIP’s:


I started this earlier in the year (or maybe last year?).  It’s a full size thrifted sheet, ripped into 3/4″ strips and double crocheted, the last round is reverse single crochet.  Can you believe an entire sheet only makes a 2′ round rag rug?


I decided to stop at this size  because 1) I’s finished.  2) If I make one again, I’ll use skinnier strips and a bigger hook. It was a little tight.  3) It’s a good size to put under the dogs water bowl.

Next up is what I keep calling my Foxy Boxy bag and I don’t know why. They are obviously raccoons.


I’ve had the fabrics cut, interior fabric laminated, ribbon and zipper pulled since this summer. They’ve just been sitting there mocking me.


I like that the bag holds it’s shape (I think due to quilting and the laminated interior fabric) and it’s a fairly large size. I’ll either use it or give it away sometime soon.

Next is something I hope will help with my free motion quilting ideas (actually USING that new Long Arm is part of my 2015 plans) and open my mind for new patterns.


Every time I see people  making pretty doodles or doing this thing called zentagling, I’m jealous. My brain just doesn’t work that way.  So I decided I should do what makes me uncomfortable and give it a try.

After reading about the ‘Zentangle’ process and watching videos, I was pleasantly surprised.  It’s actually a little structured, there are tons of existing patterns to try (with instructions – sweet relief) and eventually you can create your own. Unless you’re a natural doodler and off you go on your own from the beginning.  Just know I’m jealous.

Way back in the dark ages I took design classes, so I pulled out my old Rapidograph set. The pens need serious cleaning but I knew I’ve been keeping them around for something.  They are perfect for this.

Anyway, I purchased a blank book with 100 pages.  My goal is to fill it by the end of the 2015.  That’s only like 2 Zentangles a week, so not a lot of pressure.

And I’ll end by sharing this nightmare:


If you follow me on Instagram you know I hated this process. I am SO glad I didn’t pre-cut a bunch of fabrics before attempting Cathedral Windows.  Pain.In.The.Ass.  That’s all I have to say about that.

Here I come 2015 with my plan to tackle you.  I will…

Grow Creatively by:

  • Using the Long Arm more – even just to practice on whole cloth
  • Won’t be afraid to try different FMQ patterns, even if I don’t think I’ll like them
  • Finish the To-Quilt list
  • Work on the To-Make list
  • Don’t add to these lists
  • No new projects until the above lists are halfway done
  • Fabric Diet – to use more of what I have
  • Keeping my space clean, I work better this way
  • Stay minimal on swaps this year
  • More selfish sewing so I can explore without being nervous
  • Weekly Zentangle
  • Trying what makes me uncomfortable (cathedral windows, zentangle, sewing curves, etc.)

So…  that’s about it.   Writing this post is another thing I can scratch off my to-do list!  I’m looking forward to 2015 and making it a year of finishes.

Happy New Year to you!





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