Here is my appliqued circle quilt. I finished it up last fall and posted it on Flickr.
Never got around to blogging about this one because I’m not really a fan. Loved the concept and the reproduction print fabrics, but my choice of the blue background just killed it for me. Maybe I would have liked it with modern fabrics on gray or white?
Not even a fan of the quilting! I should have done something different. Straight line (at least this straight line) is just not for me – I love the crinkly look of heavier quilting.
I gave it to my 4 year old niece and I think she likes it. If anything, it will be a good outdoor play quilt or picnic quilt for her.
Simple to make:
- Choose your circle size (these are 5″) *
- Cut up some squares (these are 6.5″)
- Stack ’em up and stitch them on
- Arrange however you want and sew, sew, sew!
Approximately 54″ x 60″
To stitch them on I just placed a circle on a square, pinned it in the middle, then zigzag stitched around it. Went pretty fast! No fusing paper or hand stitching.
* Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. I bought these pre-cut off Etsy! If you have a fancy schmancy fabric cutting machine (I don’t), this would be perfect.
Now go sew something!

May 15, 2013 at 6:24 pm
I bet she does like it! Funny how some of the things we don’t love others just eat it up. It is a lovely gift!
May 15, 2013 at 8:12 pm
This quilt is super cute! But I know how you feel when it isn’t coming out how you imagined. Getting precut is great idea! Worth every penny:)
May 16, 2013 at 11:15 am
I love your quilt, I have made several like this myself but have always hand quilted several circles around each fabric circle. This makes the circles ‘pop’ out of the background. However, I’m sure your niece loves her quilt.
May 16, 2013 at 2:19 pm
I’ve only really loved one quilt I’ve completed so far. I think the whole act of making them teaches me something new every time and that I get even closer to making quilts I love because of it.
I really like this circle quilt and I bet your niece loves it
May 17, 2013 at 2:13 am
The fabrics are gorgeous! I agree with Amanda, each time you make one you learn something new and so it’s on to the next one to try and improve on the last. It’s really pretty and I’m sure your niece will love it