Archive for May 4th, 2013

May 4th, 2013

Want The Old (google) Reader? You Can!

by Julie Hirt

FINALLY!  I’ve been frantic about Google Reader going away.  I am NOT a fan of BlogLovin or Feedly… what to do?  This morning I found THE OLD READER.



The Old Reader looks very similar to Google Reader  I think it’s made that way on purpose. It’s basic and I dig it.  You will need to export your Google Reader list and import it into The Old Reader. The process is a bit much, but just takes a minute.

When I use BlogLovin it reminds me of a weird version of Pinterest and I’m not getting into the blog content like I want to.  Feedly just has too many options for me.  I obviously don’t like change. Meh.

Man, this is just a sigh of relief for me.  Now I just need to work on adding about a hundred blogs I have bookmarked.

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