Archive for May 15th, 2013

May 15th, 2013

Circles Quilt

by Julie Hirt

Here is my appliqued circle quilt.  I finished it up last fall and posted it on Flickr.



Never got around to blogging about this one because I’m not really a fan.   Loved the concept and the reproduction print fabrics, but my choice of the  blue background just killed it for me.  Maybe I would have liked it with modern fabrics on gray or white?

Not even a fan of the quilting!  I should have done something different. Straight line (at least this straight line) is just not for me – I love the crinkly look of heavier quilting.

I gave it to my 4 year old niece and I think she likes it.  If anything, it will be a good outdoor play quilt or picnic quilt for her.


Simple to make:

  • Choose your circle size (these are 5″) *
  • Cut up some squares (these are 6.5″)
  • Stack ’em up and stitch them on
  • Arrange however you want and sew, sew, sew!

Approximately 54″ x 60″

To stitch them on I just placed a circle on a square, pinned it in the middle, then zigzag stitched around it.  Went pretty fast! No fusing paper or hand stitching.

* Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater. I bought these pre-cut off Etsy!  If you have a fancy schmancy fabric cutting machine (I don’t), this would be perfect.

Now go sew something!




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